Snake Plant Turning Yellow

Snake Plant Turning Yellow

Tips for Reviving Yellow Leaves on Snake Plants

Are your snake plant's leaves turning yellow?

Reviving yellow leaves on snake plants is possible with the right care and attention.

Learn how to revive yellow leaves by understanding the plant's watering practices, lighting requirements, temperature and humidity, soil types, fertilizer use, pest control, repotting, and pruning. Read on to find out more.

One of the most important aspects of proper snake plant care is proper watering practices. Too much water can cause root rot, while too little water can cause the leaves to turn yellow and become dry. When watering snake plants, it's important to allow the soil to dry out between waterings.

To determine when it's time to water, stick your finger into the soil. If it feels dry, then it's time to water. Make sure to water thoroughly until the water runs out of the pot's drainage holes. Additionally, avoid misting or spraying the leaves of your snake plant as this can cause the leaves to rot.

Finally, use room temperature water when watering and make sure to flush the soil once every few months to avoid a buildup of salts.

Lighting Requirements

Snake plants' lighting requirements should be taken into account when attempting to revive their yellowing leaves. These plants need plenty of bright, indirect light, but not too much direct sunlight.

Direct sunlight can cause the leaves to turn yellow, as can not enough light. It's best to keep them in a spot with bright, filtered sunlight, and rotate the pot occasionally so that all sides can get some light. If you don't have access to natural sunlight, you can use artificial lighting such as a grow light.

Make sure to keep it about 12" away from the plant and turn it off at night. With the proper lighting, your snake plant's yellow leaves should start to return to their original green color.

Lighting Requirements

Temperature and Humidity

In addition to proper lighting, temperature and humidity levels play an important role in maintaining healthy snake plants and reviving yellowing leaves.

Snake plants do best in temperatures between 60-85°F (15-29°C), with a slight drop in temperature at night. In terms of humidity, it is best to keep levels around 40-50%. To increase humidity levels, mist the leaves of your plant regularly with lukewarm water.

Make sure to keep the soil of your snake plant evenly moist and avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot and yellowing leaves. If you are unable to provide the necessary humidity levels indoors, you can also purchase a humidifier to keep levels ideal for your plant.

Fertilizer Use

Using a diluted liquid fertilizer once a month in the spring and summer can aid in the growth of your snake plant and help revive yellow leaves.

It is important to use a fertilizer that is specifically designed for houseplants, as this will provide the right balance of nutrients for your snake plant. Use only a quarter-strength dose of fertilizer, as too much can damage the plant. Be sure to water the plant thoroughly before fertilizing to help the fertilizer move down to the root system.

Additionally, you should also fertilize following each repotting to give the soil a boost of nutrients. Lastly, be sure to always read the instructions on the fertilizer packaging to ensure you are using the right amount. Following these steps will help your snake plant stay healthy and revive its yellow leaves.

Fertilizer Use

Frequently, repotting a snake plant can also be an effective way to restore yellow leaves. To help the plant thrive, it's important to use a well-draining potting mix. Additionally, use a pot with ample drainage holes to ensure that excess water can escape.

Before repotting, trim any dead or dying leaves and make sure to remove any weeds or pests. When repotting, make sure that the plant is firmly in place and that the soil is evenly distributed. Finally, water the plant after repotting and place it in an area with indirect sunlight.

Repotting can help address issues such as root rot or root bounding. If repotted correctly, the plant should start to revive its yellow leaves.

Snake Plant Turning Yellow


In addition to repotting, pruning can also be an effective way to help revive yellow leaves on snake plants. Pruning is the process of carefully and selectively removing damaged or unhealthy leaves or stems from the plant. This is done to improve the overall health and appearance of the plant.

It is important to use clean, sharp scissors when pruning snake plants. Make sure to cut the leaves at the base of the stem, not in the middle as this could damage the stem. When selecting which leaves to prune, it is best to remove only the yellow ones as they are no longer providing any benefit to the plant.

Pruning is also beneficial for promoting new leaf growth or for controlling the size of the plant. With proper pruning, you can help your snake plant regain its healthy green leaves.


Frequently Asked Questions

Snake plants, also known as Sansevieria, are popular houseplants due to their low-maintenance nature. In terms of light, Sansevieria do best when placed in a spot with bright, indirect light. Too much direct sunlight can burn the leaves, causing them to turn yellow. This plant can also tolerate lower light conditions, but it will grow slower and the leaves may turn yellow due to lack of light. It is important to find the right balance of light to keep your snake plant healthy.

Snake plants are very resilient and easy to care for, however they can suffer from leaf discoloration if not given the right lighting. When choosing the best lighting for your snake plant, you should look for bright, indirect sunlight. A spot in front of a window with sheer curtains or an east facing window is ideal. Additionally, you can supplement natural light with artificial light like fluorescent or LED lights. Make sure to place the light around 12-16 inches away from the plant and give it at least 8-10 hours of light per day.

Snake plants, also known as mother-in-law's tongue, are a popular and hardy houseplant. When selecting soil for your snake plant, it is important to choose one that is well-draining and is not overly rich in nutrients. A mix of potting soil, perlite, and sand is a great option to ensure optimal drainage and aeration. Additionally, adding organic matter such as peat moss or compost will help retain moisture and nutrients. Be sure the soil is not compacted, as this will prevent proper oxygenation and drainage.